Certified ECO-DEI Practitioner

Our certified ECO-DEI practitioner program is meant to be helpful for diversity, equity, and inclusion professionals and executives to be successful in their practice. This program isECO-DEI 4 based on  Dr. Hubert Rampersad’s unique ECO-DEI methodology is described in his article “ECO-DEI”.

DEI professionals and executives can become Certified ECO-DEI practitioners (CEDP) by attending the certification program online at the Center of Excellence in ECO-DEI at the Technological  University of the Americas in Florida (www.tua.university). The CEDP program will make you far more effective as a DEI professional or executive. It will give you the prestige and credibility of an ECO-DEI certification endorsed by Dr. Rampersad. With this certification, you can act as a certified ECO-DEI practitioner. You will demonstrate your expertise in ECO-DEI with this certification.

Certification training
The duration of the certification training (master class) entails 3 sessions of 3 hours via Zoom plus 8 hours of coaching (online or face-to-face) to provide support as the learning experience unfolds.

Who Should Attend?
This program is appropriate for diversity, equity, and inclusion professionals and executives who wish to become successful in their DEI practice.

Program Benefits
The Center of Excellence in ECO-DEI recognizesfranchise diversity, equity, and inclusion professionals and executives who have demonstrated proficiency in using its authentic, holistic, and measurable ECO-DEI program in ways that align with its ECO-DEI Code of Ethics. The CEDP designation indicates that you have met the standards of our ECO-DEI system and the related code of ethics. It shows that you have demonstrated proficiency in the ECO-DEI profession. To maintain the credential, participants who receive the CEDP designation must be re-certified every year. Once you achieve the CEDP certification, your name will be listed on a registry at our TUA website that is available to potential customers and other DEI professionals, and you may display the CEDP designation on your business cards, brochures, website, blog, and marketing materials. You can also set up your own ECO-DEI practice (based on our ECO-DEI Coach franchise system).

What are the requirements?
The eligibility requirement to apply for this certification is that you must be a DEI professional or executive with at least five years’ experience and attend our online ECO-DEI master class.

How will proficiency be assessed?
An applicant’s proficiency will be assessed through a description of education, experience, customer testimonials, and a review of documents by qualified reviewers. Reviewers will be professionals from the Center of Excellence in ECO-DEI who have received training and guidelines for doing the review. The certification is valid for one calendar year and can be extended based on the results of an annual audit conducted by the Center of Excellence in ECO-DEI.

Certification fee: $4950, including master class fee.

Follow up option
The certified authentic and holistic design thinking designation entails 6 credit points for enrolment in the BSC/MBA/PhD in ECO-DEI program at an affiliated accredited online university. You can grow your DEI business if armed with our ECO-DEI Coach® Franchise.Certified DT PRACITIONER !!!!! NEW

Join our Certified Eco-Design Thinking Practitioner program.

For more information, please contact us at:

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Orlando, Florida |  tpsi@live.com |  Phone/whatsapp: +13053992116 | skype: h.rampersad

Please fill out the registration form below if interested in this program.

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